My Little Space on the Web

Many, if not most, of us who access the internet on a regular basis have accumulated a number of sites we visit and profiles to maintain. After a while our digital selves are scattered all over the place. Like a chaotic home or work environment, this can cause us stress. Sites we never have time to look at call to us. Profiles we need to manage also need attention. We need to get our digital house in order, decide who we are out there and get rid of things that are not central to those goals.

The first thing I did was go through my bookmarks and see what all I had. I had signed up for various social and other sites I thought sounded interesting at the time. I collected and bookmarked the areas I felt were important to keep. The rest, I deleted my profiles and accounts.

During this process I decided who I was presenting. You can be who you want and present your best. It was a good exercise that has had a little overlap with the physical me.

To gather my digital self together, I decided to get my own domain name. You can find me at Surprisingly, to me at least, .com, .net, .org, etc were all taken. You can register the name you want and many sites. I started at since it was so well known, but in my search for where to host that site, I came across which let’s you register and host cheaper than many others.

Running your own website is not as hard or expensive as you might think. I am using to host my site since it is simple and economical. Creating the pages was as simple as typing a text document. Putting the site up was a little trickier and took some trial and error but once I understood it, getting it out there was a breeze.

So, this is how I’ll present myself to the world at large and keep different areas of my digital self in one place.

Update:  Did you notice the name on the Blog? is mine.

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