Rich Habits by Tom Corley

The next book in my reading for improvement is Rich Habits by Tom Corley.  I heard an interview with Tom on The MONEY Show.  Host J Money was really into the whole thing, so I found a copy on for a reasonable price so I thought I’d give it a go.  Overall it’s a good book.  Much like The Richest Man in Babylon, the author makes the story a little more engaging by wrapping the information in a story.  Three case studies of people’s lives who had poor habits and get turned around using the rich habits.  The habits are:

  1. Identifying your bad habits, then defining the opposite and doing that instead.
  2. Set yearly, monthly, weekly and daily goals.  Focus on them each day.
  3. Engage in self improvement by learning new skills and sharpening those you have in your industry
  4. Exercise daily.  Mostly jogging. Eat healthier.
  5. Form lifelong relationships.  Remembering names, birthdates, anniversaries, etc and reaching out regularly.
  6. Live each day in a state of moderation.
  7. Adopt a “Do it now” mentality and no procrastinate tasks that will help you reach your goals.
  8. Engage in “rich thinking’ by reading and listening to uplifting and positive things. Avoid negative news and web sites.
  9. Save 10% of your gross earnings and invest it.
  10. Control your thoughts and emotions.
He goes into more detail about what each means and what it’s effect would be.  The book is short and easy to get through.  I feel like there’s a couple of things on the list I could do better with.  Nothing really new or revolutionary, just spending more time on the things that matter and less on those that don’t.  
The only real complaint I have is the author centers the story on his main character JC Jobs which is an obvious allegory to himself.  The final chapter of “millions he helped and that adored him” is over the top and full of hubris.  It’s not even necessary to read the final chapter as it ruins what came before.  Look past that, and you’ll find some good info here.

We can rebuild him…we have the technology

When I was between 17 -19 years old, I made a conscious effort to change myself. Up to that point I was shy, awkward, poorly dressed, overweight, etc.  I took a look at myself and decided I was not what I wanted to be so I made improvements.  Now, this isn’t to say I hated myself or I was becoming something I wasn’t, I mean I was taking on my own style and improving what was already there.

Fast forward to to today.  My life has taken an unexpected turn and left me to wonder who I am now.  Being single again after 16 years means having to figure out what my role is.  To complicate matters, I was never very good at being alone to begin with.  I’m a very social animal, I crave affection and genuinely love sharing my thoughts, feelings and experiences.  Unlike breaking up with my high school girlfriend where we got to go our separate ways, I have three lovely daughters with my ex-wife so our lives will be connected for many years to come.

What I have learned so far:

  1. It takes a lot of maturity.  You’re each going to move on, one probably faster than the other.  You need to get used to the idea of your former lover being with another person.  You can’t change it, only accept it.
  2. You are no longer responsible for their protection. I felt like it was my job as husband to protect my wife.  I didn’t always succeed and I may have done it all wrong, but it was always my intention to prevent harm.  That just cannot be the case any longer.  While I think it is possible to be friends, you just cannot be there for them 100%.
  3. Focus on the present. I used to put many of my hobbies to the side. Having a family is difficult and requires a lot of energy and work.  After coming home from a long day at work, doing some housework, maybe cooking dinner, you want to chill with the kids and spouse a bit.  Before you know it, it’s time to start the bedtime routine.  During all that, you can split your time but that generally means not being able to focus completely on one thing.  Now, when I am alone, I can focus on my hobbies.  When the kids are there, I can focus on them.
  4. Find what makes you happy.  Now I have more free time when the kids are not with me.  I had put many of my hobbies to the side as I just didn’t have the energy or focus for them.  Now I am working on what I think is most important.  It is also giving me something to focus on. Right now, that means picking up my trumpet again, more sewing and costuming, spending time with friends and just getting comfortable with myself.
  5. Identify and fix weaknesses. I am the first person to take responsibility for my actions.  I don’t back down from my mistakes.  However, this experience taught me I still had a lot of fear and insecurities in me.  Knowing that will help me make better decisions in the future, not the least of which is staying in a relationship when I am unhappy just because I don’t want to be along.
As time goes on, I’m sure this list would be added to.  Perhaps in a year, I can look back and see how close I hit the mark and if I was able to do some of the things I intend to do.

What Strengthens and Weakens Our Integrity

What Strengthens and Weakens Our Integrity – Part I: Why Small Choices Count

What Strengthens and Weakens Our Integrity – Part II: Closing the Gap Between Our Actions and Their Consquences

What Strengthens and Weakens Our Integrity – Part III: How to Stop the Spread of the Immorality Virus 

What Strengthens and Weakens Our Integrity – Part IV: The Power of Moral Reminders

This was an excellent set of articles.  Definitely worth reading.