I often walk my dog aroung the neighborhood, but I make it a point to the day before and/or after Christmans. It is usually pretty quite, but those who are out are very friendly. The after Christmas is fun to see all the kiddos out on their new bike or playing with some other new toy. Have a walk arounf your neck of the woods this year to calm you from the harried Christmas season.
Buddha on a Chimney
Taken with picplz.
I am at the Starbucks on Euless Main and 183. I have to specify since there is also one near me close to Home Depot on Industrial and 183. I prefer the one I at since they smile and don’t act like I’m a burden interupting their day.
For today’s trip I had an empty Starbucks bag as payment for my coffee and a leftover giftcard for my sandwich. Total bill: $0.63 cents, plus a dollar tip. Oh frugality.
I walked here this morning since my kitchen is a wreck and I did not want to mess with it. So, I having a relaxing moment with my phone and a hot cup-a-joe. Ah…bliss.