This morning, I did it. I rode to work on my bicycle. The total distance was a mere 13.2 miles traveled in 1 hour 15 min for an avg. 10.56 mph. Had that been all nice even road so sidewalk, the trip would have been pretty easy. There were a lot of spots where the side walk abruptly ended or was in really bad shape. Thankfully, the Gitchee Gumee is a hybrid, so taking in off rad for a little bit was no trouble. When I got here, I was pretty sweaty, but thanks to a tip from my cuz, I had some baby wipes on hand for a quick towel bath.
Note to self, your work keys are on that ring with your car keys. You need to bring it even if you are not driving.
Here is the route taken:
Update: I made the trip back home, so tat is a total of 26.5 miles on the bike today. I know it sounds cliche’, but the ride home was much harder. I was tired from this morning then the whole way back felt like it was up hill with the wind and sun in my face and there were a LOT more cars on the road. I actually had to get off and walk the bike up a couple of hills and stop twice to catch my breath. It was tough, but so worth it.